General Indiabuildnet.Com FAQs
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What is Indiabuildnet.Com?
Indiabuildnet.Com addresses the specific needs of industry buyers and sellers, ultimately streamlining the purchasing process and reducing the overall cost per sale. These improvements, realized throughout the supply chain, have contributed to the rapid growth of Indiabuildnet.Com and created a daily business tool for thousands of building professionals. Indiabuildnet.Com is an electronic marketplace that significantly improves the buying and selling process within the building industry. By enabling building processors and suppliers to leverage an advanced e-commerce system, Indiabuildnet.Com helps companies to capitalize on the benefits of electronic commerce without significant investments in resources and technology. For more information on Indiabuildnet.Com, click here.
How do I become a member of Indiabuildnet.Com?
To become a Registered User, click the Sign Up button on the top of our home page. If you are already a Registered User, click the Log In button.After registration you will provided with username and password, this allow you to gain full access to Indiabuildnet.Com and all of its many customizable features.
I am a Indiabuildnet.Com Registered User, but now I can't get into the site.
If you remember your User ID and you do not have your password, please e-mail us at . or go to Login.php .Please provide your name and email so we may better serve you. If you know you are a Indiabuildnet.Com Registered User, but you cannot recall your login information, or you are having any other trouble, please contact our Customer Care Department at .If you believe you have not registered with us, you can register today FREE! Our application takes less than 3 minutes to complete, and your information will not be sold or shared. Become a Indiabuildnet.Com user today!
What should I do if I forgot my password?
When signing on to Indiabuildnet.Com you need to enter both your User ID and password. If you have forgotten your password please click the link entitled "I forgot my password." You will be notified of your password to your E-mail address, which you have mentioned at the time of submission.After entering your 'E-Mail address' that will enable you to log In. Once logged on, you can change your password to a new one of your choice.
How do I change my password or account information?
Login into your account with your assigned username and password and select User Profile to change your e-mail address, billing address, user name, etc. at anytime.
Does Indiabuildnet.Com have a privacy policy?
Indiabuildnet.Com is committed to protecting your privacy. We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others. Our privacy policy can be read by clicking the link in the navigation bar at the top of the page.
For further assistance please contact our customer care department at